Why Does CrossFit Make Me Hungry? (CrossFit Nutrition Explained!)

It’s no surprise that burning calories causes a need for replenishment. The harder you work out, the harder your body needs to recover. This means, rest, hydration, and of course, food. Just how much food you need is determined by the amount of energy you expended, and how consistently you are working out. CrossFit in […]

How To Improve CrossFit Training And Recovery With CBD Products – CrossFit and CBD Explained!

Are you considering using CBD products to recover from the pain caused by intense CrossFit workouts? Perhaps you are about to purchase CBD products, but you are unsure what the benefits are? Don’t fret. You are in the right spot! Many CrossFit trainers today are using CBD products to help their bodies recover quicker from strenuous exercises. And […]

Why do CrossFitters have bad form?

If you want to get shredded and build muscle, CrossFit is where it’s at. CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines strength training with aerobic exercise. CrossFit is often criticized as leading to a range of injuries because it promotes bad form. The main reason for bad form is the lack of coaching or […]

The 10 Best Books For CrossFit

Endurance training and building muscle. Eating healthier and recovering from injury. Time of day rarely matters as CrossFit athletes go to the extreme, pushing their bodies to the maximum. As a CrossFit athlete, you’ll engage in some of the most strenuous exercises ever known. Whether you’re a beginner, have some experience, or you’re a veteran, […]

The Best Wedding Rings For CrossFit and Weightlifting

Looking for a wedding ring that won’t interfere with your CrossFit and weightlifting can be more difficult than you first though. Especially once you learn the potential dangers that go along with metal rings. Wearing metal rings opens yourself up to potential risks to your fingers and hand. Because of these risks, many people in […]

Are Vans Good Shoes For CrossFit

Each type of physical sport/activity requires a specific type of shoe that will provide the appropriate support for the wearer. Shoes that are ideal for playing tennis may not be appropriate for runners or those that enjoy CrossFit and vice versa.  What makes a good crossfit shoe Crossfit entails a variety of movements that are […]

Are Brooks Shoes Good For CrossFit

Are you wondering if Brooks shoes are suitable for CrossFit? Perhaps your friends recommended a Brooks Launch 7, which is popular among racers? But you’re unsure if it will be a perfect shoe for you.  We’ve put together this article to highlight some features of the right shoes for CrossFit.  But before we dive in, first things […]

Why Do CrossFitters Have Bloated Abs?

Elite CrossFitters can be spotted a mile away by their thick, well-defined, blocky cores. Abs that show through their shirts. Even subconsciously, we know abs like these aren’t built from doing a few situps before bed, or the ‘ab-blaster’ for 5 minutes a day.. So why do CrossFitters have just bloated abs? Is it healthy? […]

Why Does CrossFit Make Me So Tired – Adrenal Fatigue Explained

CrossFit is one of the most intense training regimes out there. Endorsed by Navy Seals – participants give everything they’ve got in a brutal 1-hour workout that leaves nothing in the tank. It’s no wonder you feel exhausted after a week’s worth of classes! But, there’s a difference between being a good level of tired; […]