Author Archives: RX Thread

Why Does CrossFit Make Me Hungry? (CrossFit Nutrition Explained!)

It’s no surprise that burning calories causes a need for replenishment. The harder you work [...]

How To Improve CrossFit Training And Recovery With CBD Products – CrossFit and CBD Explained!

Are you considering using CBD products to recover from the pain caused by intense CrossFit workouts? [...]

Are Reebok Nanoflex Shoes Good for Crossfit?

A good shoe is important for the health of your foot, especially for physical exercises [...]

Why do CrossFitters have bad form?

If you want to get shredded and build muscle, CrossFit is where it’s at. CrossFit [...]

The 10 Best Books For CrossFit

Endurance training and building muscle. Eating healthier and recovering from injury. Time of day rarely [...]

The Best Wedding Rings For CrossFit and Weightlifting

Looking for a wedding ring that won’t interfere with your CrossFit and weightlifting can be [...]

Are Vans Good Shoes For CrossFit

Each type of physical sport/activity requires a specific type of shoe that will provide the [...]

Are Brooks Shoes Good For CrossFit

Are you wondering if Brooks shoes are suitable for CrossFit? Perhaps your friends recommended a Brooks Launch [...]

Why Do CrossFitters Have Bloated Abs?

Elite CrossFitters can be spotted a mile away by their thick, well-defined, blocky cores. Abs [...]

Why Does CrossFit Make Me So Tired – Adrenal Fatigue Explained

CrossFit is one of the most intense training regimes out there. Endorsed by Navy Seals [...]